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2020 • Г.Д.Паксютов • «Book review: Geosofija. Gorizonty i civilizacii [Geosophy. Horizons and Civilizations]» • Статья

Статья опубликована в журнале Studia Politica 2020. Vol.20. №1

The following short essay is a review of a book titled "Geosophy. Horizons and Civilizations" by Aleksandr G. Dugin, published in 2017. The structure of the essay corresponds to the structure of the book, which is divided into three principal parts. The author's influences, his outlook of the world civiliziations and overall research approach are discussed, higlighting both flaws and original contributions.

Год: 2020
Georgii Paksiutov. Book review: Geosofija. Gorizonty i civilizacii [Geosophy. Horizons and Civilizations] // Studia Politica. Romanian Politcal Science Review. – 2020. - №1. – pp. 126-130.