Библиотека / Статьи

2017 • К.А. Корнеев, С.П. Попов • «A “Green option” for Japanese power industry: Sakhalin-Hokkaido Interconnector» • Статья

Статья опубликована в журнале Geopolitics of Energy. 2017. Vol. 39, Issue 9.

Politics sometimes hinder efficient economic choices. The authors take us through a detailed analysis of electricity inter-connection options as a means to green the Japanese power industry and why these economic options are not likely to be implemented.

Год: 2017
Konstantin Korneev, Sergei Popov. A “Green option” for Japanese power industry: Sakhalin-Hokkaido Interconnector // Geopolitics of Energy. 2017. Vol. 39, Issue 9. Pp. 12-16. https://ceri.ca/publications/geopolitics-of-energy/issue/12