Библиотека / Периодические издания

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies • Vol. 6 • №4 • 2022

The fourth issue of the Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies, the last in 2022, has been published. The alignment of powers in the Russia-Vietnam-China triangle and the half-century history of Vietnamese-Indian relations, advantages and problems of Vietnam’s geographical features of Vietnam and analysis of the process of emigration of Russian pensioners to Vietnam, a new look at the coup d'état of 1370 in Dai Viet and the influence of Taoism on Vietnamese folk beliefs, peculiarities of writing Vietnamese toponyms and anthroponyms in Russian and much more are on the website of the journal and in the electronic library of the ICCA RAS.



Foreign policy

Luzyanin, S. G. “Russia – Vietnam – China” Triangle: Current Challenges, Transformations and Asymmetries

Uyanaev, S. V. India – Vietnam: Fifty Years on the Path of Interaction

Socio-economic development

Dang Hoang Linh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Lam. Vietnam’s Geoeconomic Features: Advantages and Problems

Pismennaya, E. E., Nioradze, G. V. Emigration of Russian Pensioners to Vietnam (and Other Countries of Southeast Asia).

History and culture

Fedorin, A. L. Re-considering the Coup d’État of 1370

Vu Hong Van. The Influence of Taoism on the Folk Beliefs of the Vietnamese Philology

Nikulina, E. V. Some Problems of Spelling Vietnamese Toponyms and Anthroponyms in Russian


Mazyrin, V. M., Burova, E. S. A Scientific Discussion on the Current State of Relations between Russia and Vietnam: Mixed Estimates by the Two Parties

Fedorin, A. L. The Conference on Traditional Vietnam in the RAS ICCA

Dissertation Defense


Rogozhin A.A. The Unique Vietnam Trade-Economic Guide

Nguyen Manh Dung. Comprehensive Research on China's Land Border Relations with Neighboring Countries


The Patriarch of the Russian Oriental Studies. The 90th birthyear of D.V. Deopik

Год: 2022
ISSN: 2618-9453
Связанные подразделения:
Коновалова Анастасия Игоревна специалист группы по взаимодействию с общественными организациями и СМИ (пресс-служба) | Управление информационно-издательской деятельности konovalova@iccaras.ru Абраменко Владимир Петрович ведущий научный сотрудник Центра изучения культуры Китая, кандидат технических наук abramenko@iccaras.ru Уянаев Сергей Владимирович заместитель директора Института Китая и современной Азии РАН по науке, руководитель – ведущий научный сотрудник Центра «Россия, Китай, мир», кандидат исторических наук
Федорин Андрей Львович ведущий научный сотрудник Центра изучения культуры Китая, доктор исторических наук fedorin@iccaras.ru Никулина Елена Вадимовна научный сотрудник Центра изучения Вьетнама и АСЕАН elenavtn@mail.ru Мазырин Владимир Моисеевич руководитель – главный научный сотрудник Центра изучения Вьетнама и АСЕАН, доктор экономических наук (5.2.5) mazyrin@iccaras.ru Бурова Елена Сергеевна научный сотрудник Центра изучения Вьетнама и АСЕАН, член Совета молодых учёных
тест те 79589
  • Название: нш
  • DOI: 78800
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  • Авторы: Коновалова Анастасия Игоревна
The electronic scientific edition «Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies – Vyetnamskiye issledovaniya» has been published 4 times a year (quarterly) since 2018, in two full versions in Russian and English – since 2021. This edition is an interdisciplinary journal covering various fields of Vietnamese studies: politics, economics, society, history, culture, philology, etc. All academic articles are double peer-reviewed. Founder: ICCA RAS
URL: http://www.vietnamjournal.ru
Mass media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77-73494
Included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Part of the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library
Included into Web of Science database with Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Editor-in-chief: Vladimir M. Mazyrin, DSc (Economics)
Editorial Board: Anosova L.A., DSc (Economics); Grigorieva N.V., PhD (History); Kanaev E.A. DSc (History); Kolotov V.N., DSc (History); Maletin N.P., DSc (History); Ryazantsev S.V., Corresponding Member RAS, DSc (Economics); Sokolovsky A.Ya., PhD (Philology); Fedorin A.L., DSc (History); Tsvetov P.Yu., PhD (History) Editorial Council: Deopik D.V., DSc (History), professor; Babaev K.V., DSc (Philology), Chairman; Maslov A.A., DSc (History), professor; Mihoko Kato, professor (Japan); Vu Thuy Trang, professor (Vietnam); Mosyakov D.V., DSc (History), professor; Malgorzata Petrasyak, professor (Poland); Sumsky V.V., DSc (History); Carlyle Thayer, professor (USA); Adam Fford, professor (Australia); Benoît de Tréglodé, professor (France); Ian Storey, editor-in-chief of Contemporary South East Asia Journal (Singapore).
Edited by: Nikulina E.V., Britenkova A.E.
Address: Moscow 117997, Nakhimovsky prospect, 32. ICCA RAS
E-mail: vietnamjournal@yandex.ru
Тел.: +7 (499) 124 08 33
Information for authors: http://www.ifes-ras.ru/vs/requirements
© Group of authors
Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors
ISSN 2618-9453